Chapter 1: Greetings and Introductions

 Chapter 1: Greetings and Introductions

1. Basic Greetings

Objective: Learn and practice the basic greetings in English.


  • Good morning: Used from early morning until noon.
    • Example: "Good morning! How are you today?"
  • Good afternoon: Used from noon until around 5 PM.
    • Example: "Good afternoon! How has your day been so far?"
  • Good evening: Used from around 5 PM until night.
    • Example: "Good evening! Did you have a good day?"

Practice Activity:

  • Pair up with a classmate and practice greeting each other based on different times of the day.

2. How to Introduce Yourself

Objective: Learn how to introduce yourself in a clear and concise manner.


  • Name: Start with your name.
    • Example: “Hello, my name is John.”
  • Profession: Mention your job or role.
    • Example: “I am a software engineer.”
  • Background: Provide a brief background or an interesting fact.
    • Example: “I have been working at XYZ Corp for three years.”

Practice Activity:

  • Write down your introduction and practice saying it aloud. Then, introduce yourself to the class or a partner.

3. Asking Someone's Name and Occupation

Objective: Learn how to politely ask someone for their name and occupation.


  • Asking Name:
    • Example: “What is your name?” or “May I know your name?”
  • Asking Occupation:
    • Example: “What do you do?” or “What is your occupation?”

Practice Activity:

  • Pair up with a classmate and take turns asking each other’s name and occupation.

4. Practicing Simple Conversations Using Greetings and Introductions

Objective: Use the learned greetings and introductions to practice simple conversations.


  • Combine greetings, self-introductions, and asking questions in a conversation.

Example Conversation:

  • Person A: “Good morning! My name is Sarah. What is your name?”
  • Person B: “Good morning, Sarah! My name is Alex.”
  • Person A: “Nice to meet you, Alex. What do you do?”
  • Person B: “I’m a teacher. How about you?”
  • Person A: “I’m a graphic designer. How long have you been teaching?”
  • Person B: “I’ve been teaching for five years.”

Practice Activity:

  • Role-play different scenarios where you meet someone for the first time. Focus on using greetings, introductions, and asking questions about the other person.


In this chapter, you learned how to use basic greetings, introduce yourself, ask for someone’s name and occupation, and practice simple conversations. These skills are fundamental for starting and maintaining effective communication in English.


Activity: Write a short dialogue between two people meeting for the first time. Use the structure learned in this chapter, including greetings, introductions, and asking questions.

Additional Resources



  • “English Conversation Practice” by Grant Taylor
  • “Everyday English for International Professionals” by Tony Corballis

By practicing these skills regularly, you will become more comfortable with greetings and introductions, laying a strong foundation for effective spoken English communication.

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