Chapter 8: Describing Job Responsibilities and Work Experience

Chapter 8: Describing Job Responsibilities and Work Experience

1. Describing One's Job Responsibilities and Role in the Organization

Objective: Learn to effectively describe your job responsibilities and your role within your organization.


  • Describing Job Responsibilities:
    • Example Phrases:
      • “I am responsible for managing the sales team.”
      • “My role involves coordinating with clients and suppliers.”
      • “I oversee the marketing strategies for our products.”
  • Describing Your Role:
    • Example Phrases:
      • “As a project manager, I lead a team of five engineers.”
      • “I work as an administrative assistant, handling office tasks and supporting staff.”
      • “In my position as a customer service representative, I address customer inquiries and resolve issues.”

Practice Activity:

  • Write a brief paragraph describing your current job responsibilities and role. Share it with a partner and provide feedback to each other.

2. Talking About Previous Work Experience and Achievements

Objective: Learn to discuss your past work experiences and highlight your achievements effectively.


  • Talking About Previous Work Experience:
    • Example Phrases:
      • “I previously worked at [Company Name] as a [Job Title].”
      • “In my last role, I was responsible for managing the company’s social media accounts.”
      • “During my time at [Company Name], I gained valuable experience in [specific task/area].”
  • Highlighting Achievements:
    • Example Phrases:
      • “One of my key achievements was increasing sales by 20% in the first quarter.”
      • “I successfully led a project that reduced operational costs by 15%.”
      • “I was awarded Employee of the Month for my outstanding performance.”

Practice Activity:

  • Create a list of your previous work experiences and achievements. Practice discussing them with a partner, focusing on clear and concise descriptions.

3. Using Appropriate Vocabulary and Industry-Specific Terms

Objective: Enhance your ability to use relevant vocabulary and industry-specific terms when discussing your job and work experience.


  • Industry-Specific Terms:
    • Example: Technology Sector
      • “Software development,” “Agile methodology,” “user interface,” “debugging.”
    • Example: Healthcare Sector
      • “Patient care,” “clinical trials,” “medical billing,” “healthcare management.”
  • Appropriate Vocabulary:
    • General Terms:
      • “Collaborate,” “strategize,” “implement,” “optimize,” “facilitate.”

Practice Activity:

  • Identify key terms relevant to your industry and create sentences using these terms. Share with a partner and practice using the vocabulary in context.

4. Discussing Future Goals and Aspirations

Objective: Learn how to articulate your future career goals and aspirations effectively.


  • Discussing Future Goals:
    • Example Phrases:
      • “In the future, I aim to take on more leadership responsibilities.”
      • “My goal is to specialize in project management and lead larger projects.”
      • “I aspire to advance to a senior management position within the next five years.”
  • Explaining Aspirations:
    • Example Phrases:
      • “I am passionate about continuous learning and plan to pursue further certifications.”
      • “I hope to contribute to the company’s growth by developing new business strategies.”
      • “My aspiration is to mentor junior colleagues and help them achieve their career goals.”

Practice Activity:

  • Write a short paragraph outlining your future career goals and aspirations. Share it with a partner and discuss how to present these goals effectively in a professional setting.


In this chapter, you learned how to describe your job responsibilities and role, discuss previous work experience and achievements, use appropriate vocabulary and industry-specific terms, and articulate your future goals and aspirations. These skills are crucial for effective communication in professional environments.


Activity: Write a detailed description of your current job responsibilities, previous work experiences, achievements, and future career goals. Practice presenting this information to a partner.

Additional Resources



  • “Knock 'em Dead Job Interview: How to Turn Job Interviews Into Paychecks” by Martin Yate
  • “What Color Is Your Parachute? 2021: Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success” by Richard N. Bolles

By regularly practicing these skills, you will become more proficient in discussing your job responsibilities, work experience, and career aspirations, enhancing your professional communication abilities.

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