Chapter 4: Asking for Help and Giving Directions

 Chapter 4: Asking for Help and Giving Directions

1. Asking for Help or Directions Politely

Objective: Learn to ask for help or directions in a polite and effective manner.


  • Polite Phrases for Asking for Help:
    • “Excuse me, could you help me, please?”
    • “Sorry to bother you, but could you assist me?”
    • “I need some help with something. Could you help me?”
  • Polite Phrases for Asking for Directions:
    • “Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to [place]?”
    • “Can you please show me the way to [location]?”
    • “I’m looking for [place]. Could you help me find it?”

Practice Activity:

  • Pair up with a classmate and practice asking each other for help or directions using the provided phrases.

2. Seeking Assistance in Different Situations

Objective: Learn to seek assistance in various situations such as finding a location or understanding instructions.


  • Finding a Location:
    • Example Phrases:
      • “Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?”
      • “Can you help me find the library?”
      • “I’m trying to get to the post office. Do you know where it is?”
  • Understanding Instructions:
    • Example Phrases:
      • “I’m having trouble understanding these instructions. Can you help me?”
      • “Could you explain this part to me, please?”
      • “I don’t understand what this means. Can you clarify?”

Practice Activity:

  • Create a scenario where you need to find a location or understand a set of instructions. Practice asking for assistance with a partner.

3. Giving and Following Directions Accurately

Objective: Learn how to give clear and accurate directions and how to follow them effectively.


  • Giving Directions:
    • Example Phrases:
      • “Go straight ahead until you reach the traffic lights.”
      • “Turn left at the next intersection.”
      • “You’ll see the bank on your right. It’s just past the supermarket.”
  • Key Elements for Giving Directions:
    • Use landmarks and clear reference points.
    • Specify distances and directions (e.g., left, right, straight).
    • Use sequential steps to guide the person.
  • Following Directions:
    • Example Actions:
      • Listen carefully and repeat the directions to ensure understanding.
      • Ask for clarification if any part is unclear.
      • Take note of key landmarks and reference points mentioned.

Practice Activity:

  • Pair up with a classmate. One person gives directions to a specific location, and the other follows them. Reverse roles and practice again.

4. Role-Playing Exercises to Practice Asking for Help and Giving Directions

Objective: Practice asking for help and giving directions through role-playing exercises to build confidence and fluency.


  • Role-Playing Scenario 1: Asking for Directions in a City
    • Person A: A tourist looking for the nearest train station.
    • Person B: A local resident giving directions.
    • Example Dialogue:
      • Person A: “Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest train station?”
      • Person B: “Sure, go straight for two blocks, then turn right. The station will be on your left.”
  • Role-Playing Scenario 2: Seeking Help in a Store
    • Person A: A customer who can’t find a specific product.
    • Person B: A store employee providing assistance.
    • Example Dialogue:
      • Person A: “Excuse me, I’m looking for the baking aisle. Can you help me?”
      • Person B: “Of course! It’s in aisle 7, just past the dairy section.”
  • Role-Playing Scenario 3: Understanding Instructions at Work
    • Person A: An employee who needs clarification on a task.
    • Person B: A supervisor explaining the instructions.
    • Example Dialogue:
      • Person A: “I’m having trouble understanding this report format. Could you explain it to me?”
      • Person B: “Certainly. You need to fill in this section with the sales figures and this part with the client feedback.”

Practice Activity:

  • Role-play each scenario with a partner, focusing on using polite phrases, giving clear directions, and seeking clarification when needed. Switch roles to practice both asking for help and giving directions.


In this chapter, you learned how to ask for help and directions politely, seek assistance in different situations, give and follow directions accurately, and practice these skills through role-playing exercises. These abilities are crucial for effective communication in everyday situations.


Activity: Write a short dialogue between two people where one person asks for help finding a location, and the other provides detailed directions. Use the phrases and techniques discussed in this chapter.

Additional Resources



  • “English for Everyday Activities” by Lawrence J. Zwier
  • “Everyday Conversations: Learning American English” by State Department

By practicing these skills regularly, you’ll become more confident in asking for help and giving directions, which are essential for navigating daily life and effective communication in English.

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